Exago runs on the web server application Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). The following sections walk through the installation process for Windows based systems.
- See Considerations When Sizing an Exago System to ensure that you have sufficient hardware to run Exago.
- See Technical Specifications to ensure you have the minimum software requirements to run Exago.
- See Configuring IIS for Exago to ensure that IIS is installed and configured correctly.
ImportantIf you are upgrading an existing Exago installation, please ensure that the file eWebReportsManifest.txt is present in the install directory. Otherwise, the installer will overwrite any custom config or styling you've applied.
Download the Exago installer from our Downloads page.
Run the installer as an administrator. The installation menu will appear with three downloadable applications. Click the top icon to install the Exago Web Application, as pictured below.
NoteIf Windows Defender prevents this installation, it may be bypassed by clicking "More Info" and then selecting "Run Anyway."

Follow the steps in the wizard to install Exago. You may optionally choose to install the Scheduler and the Web Service from this wizard.
Even though the installer has finished, Exago will most likely not function at this point. You must continue with some additional configuration.
Create the Directory Structure
After the installation is complete, configure Exago using the following steps. (See Configuring IIS for Exago for a more detailed walkthrough.)
- Set permissions for the Config folder:
- Right click on the folder named "Config" and click Properties.
- In the Security tab click "Edit" then "Add." Enter the IIS application pool user (default IIS_IUSRS).
- In the "Permissions for Config" window select the user that was just created and select "Full Control" permissions.
- Right click on the folder named "Config" and click Properties.
- Repeat this process for the ApplicationThemes, MapCache and Drivers folders (the latter is only required if a CData Driver is being utilized.)
- For pre-v2020.1, create a folder for storing reports. This folder needs to be accessible from the web server, but is not required to be on the web server. It can reside on any server accessible by Exago via direct UNC or virtual path created in IIS.
Do not create this folder within the Exago application structure. Doing so will cause ASP.NET sessions to crash when report folders are created or deleted within the Exago application.
- Give the Report Folder full control privileges for the IIS application pool user. Below are three examples of report paths to the folder \Reports:
- C:\Reports – Folder is on a file system.
- \\Server Name\Reports – Physical folder is on a separate server.
- /Reports – Assumes an IIS virtual directory called 'Reports' has been created to point to the folder.
- Give the Report Folder full control privileges for the IIS application pool user. Below are three examples of report paths to the folder \Reports:
- Create a folder for storing temporary data. By default this is a sub-folder of Exago called 'Temp'. However it is recommended to not use the install path's temp folder in production environments. Give the Temp folder full control privileges for the IIS application pool user.
- Point your browser to the Administration Console. By default this is http://<YourServer>/Exago/Admin.aspx.
- For v2020.1+, setup the Storage Management system for storing reports, templates and themes.
- Upgrade Install — If upgrading from a previous version of Exago, review these articles:
- New Install — If this is a new installation, review these articles:
- For pre-v2020.1, in the General > Main Settings section, specify the location of the Report Folder in the 'Report Path' setting. Verify the connection is successful by clicking the
- For all versions, in the General > Main Settings section, specify the location of the Temp Folder in the 'Temp Path' setting.
- For v2020.1+, setup the Storage Management system for storing reports, templates and themes.
What's Next
Point your browser to the Admin Console to verify that your installation was successful. By default this is http://<YourServer>/Exago/admin.aspx
If you encounter problems at any point, please see Installation Troubleshooting for some potential solutions. If you cannot resolve your problem, please file a Support Ticket.
At this point you will need to set up your data sources in order to use Exago. See Administration Console Setup to get started.
If you would like to set up Google Maps, GeoCharts, and/or any downloadable Application Themes, please see Installing Optional Features for more information.
- System Requirements — Baseline hardware requirements.
- Configuring IIS for Exago — Necessary configuration details for IIS.
- Installing the Scheduler Service — Scheduler config info.
- Install and Configure the Web Service — Web service config info.
- Installation Troubleshooting — Common install problems & their solutions.
- Administration Console Setup — Initial data sources setup guide.
- Installing Optional Features — How to set up Google Maps, GeoCharts, and Application Themes.