For special debugging purposes, a file WebReportsDebug.xml
may be given to you by one of our support staff. This file should be placed in the Config
directory of the Exago BI web application.
The file uses the following format:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <webreports> <webreportsfn>ConfigFile.xml</webreportsfn> <breakoutdatasources>False</breakoutdatasources> </webreports>
The following settings may be set:
webreportsfn - the base configuration file that Exago BI should use when no config file has been specified (default: WebReports.xml)
breakoutdatasources - if True, forces each data object to be treated as though they came from separate data sources. Causes any filtering and joins to be done in the application rather than the database. Will likely cause reduced performance.